Main features

This section lists the main features of QMCLOUD.

Announcing the availability of "Advanced Edition" of QMCLOUD (SaaS). The following features are available with the advanced edition subscription only:

a) Multi user support (up to 4)

b) Support for GitHub repositories for stacks

c) Pricing API integration to get estimates for AWS and Azure stacks.

You can go to the configuration menu item and licensing section to upgrade.

The following are the main features of QMCLOUD. Refer to the concepts section for further details.

  1. Create and manage logical entities including organization, workspace, stack profile, stack group and a stack

  2. Add and manage cloud components and categories that each of the components belong to (Example AWS Vpc in the EC2 category)

  3. Create users, roles and assign roles to users for RBAC (role-based access control)

  4. Define GitHub repository credentials for a user

  5. Create a stack (unit of infrastructure) using a canvas, guided wizard or by importing a stack definition file

  6. Compose the desired target cloud infrastructure on a canvas using "No Code" technologies including drag/drop, and auto connections

  7. Create a stack using a guided wizard. The guided wizard uses a set of resources defined in a template (or a blueprint)

  8. Define various properties of the cloud resources (or components)

  9. Add and update connections between various components to define dependencies

  10. Create a template using an already deployed stack

  11. List and review properties of cloud resources

  12. Review the TS/JS code generated by QMCLOUD and configure code commit to a pre-defined github repository for tracking and auditing

  13. Estimate the cost of the cloud resources defined in a stack. This feature is only available for AWS stacks. Estimates for Azure cloud resources will be available soon.

  14. Scan a cloud account and import the resources in a stack. The imported resources are marked as Read Only. This feature is currently meant for inventory, drift and cost management. It is not possible to make any changes to the resources and actively manage them.

  15. Detect drift of cloud resources and their properties

  16. Use RESTful API's to integrate with various CI/CD tools (Example - Jenkins)

  17. Coming Soon

    • Security Policies

    • Cost policies

    • AI (Artificial Intelligence) based prompts with auto generation of code and render visualization on the canvas

Last updated